The principle of radiator companies formulating sales policies for distributors
Source: | Author:anonymous | Published time: 2018-09-27 | 288 Views | Share:

At present, most radiator companies are willing to adopt a distributor agency model to sell their radiator products to the whole country and even the world in the home heating network. Because the distributor agency model for selling radiator products can not only save costs but also enable radiator products to flow smoothly and quickly to the market through channels. Distributors are units and individuals who have sales and services in a certain field or region. They have independent operating institutions, ownership of goods (buying out the manufacturer's products/services), profits obtained from operations, and operate in multiple varieties. The process of business activities is almost unrestricted by the supplier, and their responsibilities and rights are equal to those of the supplier. Distributors are merchants who purchase goods from enterprises, only to resell them. They focus on the interest rate spread, not the actual price of the goods themselves. Therefore, the quality of sales policies formulated by radiator companies will directly affect the sales enthusiasm and enthusiasm of distributors.

How can dealers not only see the prospects and sufficient profits from the sales policies formulated by radiator companies, but also feel the necessary pressure, so as to maintain a positive and enterprising state psychologically and practically? When setting sales policies, radiator companies must think twice and firmly grasp the following principles:

1. Clear responsibilities and rights: When formulating sales policies, radiator companies should not simply define sales areas, products, prices, etc., but further refine sales indicators, after-sales service rights and responsibilities, and other aspects;

2. Incentive mechanism: Radiator companies should establish a tiered rebate policy and set different rebate ratios based on the completion level of sales indicators to motivate dealers. At the same time, products should be classified and additional rewards should be set in sales policies for products with higher profits;

3. Expanding network: The number of sales networks directly affects the completion of sales indicators and the coverage of products in regional markets. Therefore, when formulating sales policies, radiator companies should clearly require dealers to develop new sales networks and set appropriate indicators. Rewards should be given to those who exceed the targets, or they should be used as auxiliary indicators for sales volume assessment.