Which material will dominate the radiator market
Source: | Author:anonymous | Published time: 2018-09-26 | 304 Views | Share:

The position of steel radiators is irreplaceable

At present, the market prospects for steel radiators are very broad. The advantage of steel radiators lies in their environmental friendliness, relatively low cost, and corresponding low market prices, which can be accepted by the general public. Although copper aluminum composite products, which are currently emerging and gradually being promoted in the market, have superior performance, copper is still a non-ferrous precious metal. Due to the influence of national macroeconomic control policies, the price fluctuates greatly, resulting in the high cost of copper aluminum composite radiators, which most consumers are unable to afford. This type of product can only be produced for a certain consumer group and can only occupy a small market share, and cannot achieve ultimate popularity. Moreover, according to the heating principle of copper aluminum composite radiators, the heating quality in China is generally not high, which to some extent affects the performance of copper aluminum composite radiators; The biggest bottleneck of steel radiators now is the issue of heating water quality. So far, most industrial developed areas in China still use the heating water quality standards of the 1970s. Water with high oxygen content has a greater corrosiveness to steel radiators, and our manufacturers have always been limited to passively solving this problem, that is, performing some anti-corrosion treatment on radiators. But this passive situation is about to be reversed with the new heating water quality standards introduced by the country. Once the water quality problem is solved, the bottleneck problem of steel radiators will no longer exist, and their advantages will become more and more obvious; Once again, from the perspective of national macroeconomic regulation, the 11th Five Year Plan has clearly stipulated that Beijing must prioritize steel radiators in 2010, striving to account for more than 70% of the market. It can be seen that steel radiators are the future development direction of radiators in China, and the development space is immeasurable.

Copper aluminum composite replacing steel is the trend

Although steel radiators still have a certain advantage in sales due to local consumption levels, the new type of copper aluminum composite radiator, with its advantages of light weight, good heat dissipation effect, low energy and water consumption, and good anti-corrosion performance, will gradually be accepted and recognized by consumers. At present, there has been a trend in other regions of China where copper aluminum composite radiators dominate the consumer market. Let's take Hohhot and Baotou as a comparison. We entered the Hohhot market in April 2006, which was relatively late and did not promote it. Therefore, consumers in Hohhot are not very familiar with copper aluminum composite radiators, but we have an eight year distribution history in Baotou, It has basically witnessed the entire industry development process of Baotou City. It can be said that consumers in Baotou now have a higher understanding of the new type of radiator than those in Hohhot, so their consumption choices are also more rational. Many consumers are no longer just starting from the current price point to make consumption choices, but are increasingly measuring the value and effectiveness of radiators from the perspective of cost-effectiveness. Reasonably speaking, the service life of steel radiators is far inferior to that of copper aluminum composite radiators, and their heat dissipation efficiency is low. They consume water and electricity, and often leak or drip, posing a significant threat to consumer property; Although copper aluminum composite radiators are relatively expensive, they are a one-time investment. They have high heat dissipation efficiency, require fewer columns to be purchased, save water and electricity costs, and greatly reduce the likelihood of family property being threatened and the frequency of radiator replacement. So in the long run, it is actually more cost-effective for consumers to choose copper aluminum composite radiators. That is why copper aluminum composite radiators have become national energy-saving recommended products. From manufacturers to distributors, we are also focusing on recommending copper aluminum composite products to consumers. We have basically achieved this in Baotou, and now our sales in the Baotou market are dominated by copper aluminum composite radiators. We have arrived in Hohhot, and the next step is to provide rational and reasonable consumption guidance to consumers in this region. As for the fact that the country will introduce new heating water quality standards to extend the service life of steel radiators, which will broaden the development prospects of steel radiators, it is not entirely true. Because we say that the strong corrosion resistance of copper aluminum composite radiators does not mean that they will not be corroded, the new water quality standards can effectively increase the lifespan of steel radiators while extending their lifespan. However, the advantages of copper aluminum composite radiators in other aspects cannot be surpassed by steel radiators. Therefore, the gradual replacement of steel radiators by copper aluminum composite radiators is the trend of future industry development.