Grasp the maintenance details and replace the filter in a timely manner, which can also save fuel
Source: | Author:anonymous | Published time: 2018-09-28 | 308 Views | Share:

For most households, the monthly fuel cost has to be calculated due to the once again rising oil prices. According to authoritative statistics, there is a 10% -30% difference in fuel consumption when driving the same brand and model in different ways. How to save fuel consumption while driving? I consulted some experienced drivers and listened to their suggestions.

Firstly, it is necessary to regularly maintain the car and check the tire pressure regularly. If the tire pressure is lower than the standard fuel consumption, it will increase by 5%. Moreover, low air pressure will increase the rolling resistance of the wheels and exacerbate tire wear. Secondly, it is necessary to regularly change the engine oil; Clean or replace filter equipment, promptly replace spark plugs, etc; Try not to increase the power consumption equipment in the car to avoid increasing the load on the generator.

Organize the trunk in a timely manner, as excess items can increase the weight of the car and thus increase fuel consumption. Car enthusiasts like to put some items in the trunk for emergency use, but every kilogram of load on a sedan will affect fuel consumption. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly check if there are any unnecessary items in the trunk.

High gear driving saves fuel. When driving, do not let the engine run at unnecessary high speeds. Try to shift to high gear as much as possible, and only shift to low gear when the engine runs unevenly. With the continuous decline in domestic car prices and increasingly severe traffic congestion, automatic transmission cars have become more and more popular. When accelerating, cars equipped with automatic transmissions should slowly press the accelerator pedal, do not press the pedal to the downshift position. The transmission should choose the economy shifting program, shift to high gear in advance, and shift to low gear later, thereby reducing fuel consumption.

Open the window at low speed and turn on the air conditioning at high speed. Reduce the use of air conditioning when stuck in traffic or waiting for parking. Utilize the car's ventilation system and fans when not hot or cold, or open more windows without using air conditioning; When turning on the air conditioning, it is also necessary to adjust it to the appropriate temperature, set the air circulation system to the recirculation mode in the car, and temporarily turn off the air conditioning when the temperature inside the car reaches the desired level. It is not advisable to turn off the air conditioning and open the windows for ventilation at high speeds. When the vehicle speed exceeds 85km/h, opening the windows will consume more fuel than the air conditioning system, which will reduce your fuel economy index by 10%. The summary experience is: open the window at low speed and open the air conditioning at high speed.